Teaching and Learning » School Improvement Goals 2021-22

School Improvement Goals 2021-22

Carlisle Community Schools have leadership teams in each building comprised of administrators and teachers.  Each year the leadership teams develop school improvement plans that outlines strategic goals, focus areas to improve student achievement and the overall educational experience for all students.  Leadership teams analyze and review student achievement data to develop improvement plan goals.   District administration conducts progress monitoring sessions of the building’s school improvement plans throughout the school year to ensure successful implementation. 


2021-22 Carlisle Community Schools District Goals

CCSD will implement a guaranteed and viable curriculum supported by impactful interventions that ensure high levels of learning and achievement for all students.

CCSD will ensure the success for all students by providing a safe, healthy, engaging and inclusive learning environment recognizing every member of the learning community as a valued individual.
CCSD will function as a systemic professional learning community promoting a culture of continuous improvement focused on learning, collaboration, and results. 


2021-22 Building School Improvement Plans