Karen Martens » Miss Martens's ELA Classroom

Miss Martens's ELA Classroom

Welcome to ELA! This is my 9th year teaching at Carlisle Middle School.  I grew up in Sheldon, Iowa (go Orabs!) and went to The University of Iowa (go Hawks!).  I am currently working on my master's at The University of Iowa, and will graduate in December of 2021.  Previously, I was a 6th grade teacher, and this is my fourth year teaching 8th grade and my third year teaching 7th grade.  Students in this class will be taken through many reading, writing, grammar, speaking, listening, and life skills every single day.  HMH Intro Literature is the curriculum that is used in both grades, and students are familiar with this from their previous grade as well.  Students will be partaking in independent reading opportunities once during the week on Wednesday where they will engage in a text of their own choosing and read for enjoyment!  Students are allowed to bring books, magazines, articles, cook books, betterment books, etc. to class for this sacred reading time.  They are also allowed to use the library here at the middle school and the classroom library in my room.  I will have magazines and multiple articles for students to read from if a book is not of interest to them.  This will be a great year with many learning opportunities.