Sociology (Remote Learning)-Fall 2020 Assignments

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Semester Test  in Google Classroom

Semester Test


Semester Test Study Guide  in Google Classroom

Semester Test Study Guide


Unit 3 Test Retake Document  in Google Classroom

Unit 3 Test Retake Document


Unit 3 UBA  in Google Classroom

Unit 3 UBA


December 15 in Google Classroom

December 15

Today's tasks:

1) Complete any missing tasks
2) Work on Study Guide


December 11th in Google Classroom

December 11th

Today in class you will:

1) Add the race and ethnicity notes to your notes
2) Watch the PBS Documentary (53 Mins)
3) Answer the questions while/after viewing the documentary


December 8th in Google Classroom

December 8th

Tasks for today and tomorrow:
1) Age Stratification Notes
2) Gender Norms
3) View clip from "UP"
4) Complete questions -- notes and movie clip will be necessary to answer.


November 24th  in Google Classroom

November 24th

1) Complete the assignments from last class that are due today (November 20th)
2) Complete the test and do a test retake document (if you want)
3) Add the notes to your notes and complete the assignment on bullying.


Unit 2 Test Retake Document  in Google Classroom

Unit 2 Test Retake Document

Only complete this if you want to retake the test from Unit 2.


November 20th in Google Classroom

November 20th

Tasks for the day:

1) View the Agents of Socialization Loom (Notes also attached)
2) Complete the short question in a paragraph
3) Complete the family situations activity

REMINDER -- if you have not completed the Unit 2 UBA, that is now missing in the grade book. You need to complete this as soon as possible.


Family Situations - November 20th in Google Classroom

Family Situations - November 20th


November 17th in Google Classroom

November 17th

When we are done meeting today, you can access this assignment. View the loom lecture over the notes and complete the assignment.

1) Social Groups Loom
2) Group Dynamics Assignment


November 13 - Unit 2 UBA in Google Classroom

November 13 - Unit 2 UBA

Follow the Google Form provided to complete your Unit 2 UBA.

Let me know if you have any questions.


November 10th - Unit 2 Study Guide  in Google Classroom

November 10th - Unit 2 Study Guide

Use your notes to complete the study guide for unit 2.


November 6  in Google Classroom

November 6

1) CFA (if you haven't done it)
2) Value Sort
3) Value Sort Essay: Use the parameters below to guide your short essay. Don't make this a long piece of writing. Be short and succint with your words

After completing the value sort inventory, what are the three things you value the most/least?

As we examined what we did/ did not value as a class, reflect on what stood out to you. How did what you value /not value compare to the class as a whole.

OR How were the values that you chose different or similar to that of the ones in the value sort inventory?


November 3rd  in Google Classroom

November 3rd

Tasks for today:

1) Complete the daily question (Separate Assignment)
2) Go back into the October 30th assignment and complete or recomplete the CFA from Friday.
3) Complete the Value Sort Inventory (Found in the October 30th assignment)
4) We will use the value sort inventory for an activity on Friday.


November 3rd Question - If you had a chance to complete the value sort inventory, were you surprised by the results about what you valued most or least? (If you have not completed the sort inventory, you can just note that you have not done it yet).  in Google Classroom

November 3rd Question - If you had a chance to complete the value sort inventory, were you surprised by the results about what you valued most or least? (If you have not completed the sort inventory, you can just note that you have not done it yet).


October 27th  in Google Classroom

October 27th

Plans for today:

1) View the notes on the 'Seeing American Culture' Slideshow
2) Read and Complete the assignment on Culture and Obesity
3) Work on the CFA Study Guide

CFA will be Friday October 30th


October 30th in Google Classroom

October 30th


1) CFA
2) Five Sort Value Inventory -- This is in a PDF, so you won't be able to edit on this page. Two options: If you can print, do that. If you can't, just use a sheet of notebook paper to put down where you rank the values in each group. (This part of the assignment will be due on Tuesday November 3rd)


October 20th in Google Classroom

October 20th

After we meet in zoom today, you will have time to work on the notes/assignment.

1) Language Notes
2) Religion Notes
3) Paragraph about language and religion (see Google Doc for further instruction)


October 13 in Google Classroom

October 13

Your work for today (10/13) and tomorrow (10/14) is as follows:

- Finish the October 9th Assignment
- Answer the question posted on Classroom (separate post)
- Cultural Variation Notes
- The Variation and Hindu Cow assignment


October 9  in Google Classroom

October 9

I apologize, I was unable to create a loom over the second part of the notes for first part of the culture unit. If you have some time, get those into your notes (wherever you are keeping them).

Today's activities will be all on Google Classroom.
- Differences in Culture Notes
*Understanding Cultural Relativism Assignment*Complete while watching the Ted Talk and Reading the article --> Use the questions to guide your listening and reading.
- Jimmy Nelson Ted Talk
- Cultural Relativism Reading (Look for the bold headings


Using some of the thoughts from the notes on Friday, explain how their might be cultural variation between age groups of people.  in Google Classroom

Using some of the thoughts from the notes on Friday, explain how their might be cultural variation between age groups of people.


Test Retake Document in Google Classroom

Test Retake Document

If you choose to retake a test, you will need to complete this form and turn it in to me.

I will then assign you the pieces of the test to retake.

Let me know if you have any questions!


September 30 in Google Classroom

September 30

Once you have completed your Unit 1 UBA,

To get a head start on Unit 2, you can start taking notes over the attached PDF.

This will serve as our first main part of Unit 2. There are quite a few slides because I wanted to ensure that we grasped the concept of culture and everything that can go into it. You do not need to get this all done today, this will probably be spread out over two class periods.


Unit 1 UBA in Google Classroom

Unit 1 UBA


Attached is the link to your Unit 1 UBA.

This will be due by Wednesday at 10:20 AM.

Let me know if you have any questions


Look at your own experience with school and examine how one of the three different perspectives (functional, conflict, or symbolic) might examine different parts of the school experience. You can examine the school as a whole, or individual parts of it. Make sure you explain something that they might be interested in studying about your school.  in Google Classroom

Look at your own experience with school and examine how one of the three different perspectives (functional, conflict, or symbolic) might examine different parts of the school experience. You can examine the school as a whole, or individual parts of it. Make sure you explain something that they might be interested in studying about your school.


September 18 in Google Classroom

September 18

Make sure to check your small group meeting for today! We will start at 9:50

These are tasks that you can complete today

1) Answer the question that I posted on Google Classroom this morning
2) View the Loom over Research methods that I attached with this ( I am also posting the notes with that )
3) Start to work on the research ethics assignment

Here is the zoom link for the meeting:

Meeting ID: 842 4389 4030
Passcode: GoCats


September 18 - Research Ethics  in Google Classroom

September 18 - Research Ethics

Use this for answering the research ethics questions


September 15  in Google Classroom

September 15

1) Finish assignment on September 8 post
2) Notes over University of Chicago Sociologists
3) CFA (due next Tuesday 9/22)


September 16 in Google Classroom

September 16

Complete the following steps:

1) Notes
2) CFA
3) A Sociological Lens Assignment
4) Any missing work you have for this class


September 8  in Google Classroom

September 8

1) Check your small group meeting time.
Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 842 4389 4030
Passcode: GoCats
2) When you are not meeting as a small group, you will have a few assignments to be working on
- Finishing up your essay from last week. (Due today)
- Viewing the Loom notes presentation or getting the notes copied down in some way.
- Starting to work on the assignment (Due next Tuesday) --> I will post a loom over the assignment later today.
- We will have a CFA on Friday. I will explain this process today in our meetings.


Sociologist Biography Essay in Google Classroom

Sociologist Biography Essay

After completing your research about the six sociologists, you will now choose one to write about in an essay form.

Use the rubric attached to guide you in writing about one of the sociologists of your choosing.


You just finished researching six of the main sociologists, if you could choose to talk or write about one of them, which one would it bet?  in Google Classroom

You just finished researching six of the main sociologists, if you could choose to talk or write about one of them, which one would it bet?

Follow-up to September 1 independent work


Sociological Thinkers Research in Google Classroom

Sociological Thinkers Research

Using the videos posted on Friday and your book (pages 10-14), take notes about who the sociologist was, where they were from, what did they study specifically in Sociology, did they write any books, and did their studies influence other sociologists. You can be as detailed as you would like. The notes that you take will help you tomorrow.

Here are the Sociologists you are looking at:
- Harriett Martineau
- Herbert Spencer
- Max Weber
- Karl Marx
- Emile Durkheim
- August Comte


Slide 4 - Sociological Influencers  in Google Classroom

Slide 4 - Sociological Influencers

Provide a short write up on what influences you sociologically from these categories.


Journal  in Google Classroom
