Carlisle Alumni Association
The purpose of the Carlisle Alumni Association is to initiate and encourage school and community loyalty and spirit. It will promote and enrich the social, economic, cultural and physical well-being of its members in order to preserve and maintain our heritage.
Click here for a copy of the Carlisle Alumni Constitution and Bylaws:
President – Dr. Mark Randleman
Secretary – April Freeman Abel
Treasurer – Judy Bruce Russell
Board of Directors
Debbie Ferguson Kain
Kayla Kain Price
Krysta Gooding Wyckoff
Kerri Gooding Warren
Donna Adair Westberg
Doug Kingsbury
Dr. Jennifer Parker Olson
Julie Hogue Kruse
Banquet, Historical, Membership, Public Relations, Scholarship, Hall of Fame, and Stars for Tomorrow
The alumni banquet is held the second Saturday in June. All graduates of Carlisle High School are invited to attend the meal and activities that follow. We conduct the annual business meeting, honor various alumni members by presenting scholarships and awards and socialize. Banquet Reservation Form
In order to protect members from solicitations, only class representatives may request a copy of the class list from Krysta Gooding Wyckoff:
Mail: 15465 Briggs St., Carlisle, IA 50047
Phone: 515.989.0769
E-mail: [email protected]
You may have to pay a nominal fee for printing costs. For a list of class representatives, click here.
Please contact the Alumni Association whenever your contact information changes. To update your contact information, please notify Krysta Wyckoff:
Association Information
The Alumni Association is pleased to award scholarship money to deserving high school seniors. The amount of the scholarship is determined by the Executive Board. The recipient must attend one full semester of school or refund the money. Recipients are announced during the High School Awards Night and the certificates are distributed at the annual banquet. Recipients must attend the banquet in order to receive the scholarship and provide proof of enrollment. Each student applying must maintain a “B” average and have attended Carlisle Schools for two full years.
Stars for Tomorrow:
This award models the statewide Character Counts Initiative and is given to two 8th grade students each year. We have formed a partnership with our local banks in providing a cash award to students displaying the six pillars. Students complete an application form and submit two recommendations from adults who can attest to their good character. A selection committee, made up of community members, reviews the forms and recommendations. The winners are announced at the annual banquet. Click here to download the Stars For Tomorrow application form:
Hall of Fame Award:
The Hall of Fame committee determines the winner(s) of the Hall of Fame Award. The purpose of the award is to honor up to three Carlisle Alumni who have demonstrated excellent character, leadership, and citizenship qualities since graduation. The winners must be selected from candidates submitted by alumni on the attached Hall of Fame nomination form. The following criteria shall be used in determining the winner: Community awards, Peer awards, Public offices held, Volunteerism, Participation in civic affairs, non-monetary contributions to the Alumni Association. Click here to download a Hall of Fame nomination form. Winners are listed here.
Donations/Memorial Gifts/Honor Roll:
Your donations and memorial gifts can be received at any time during the year. The purpose of the endowment fund is to provide a perpetual amount of interest income to be used to supplement the annual scholarship awarded by the scholarship committee. Alumni wishing to donate $500 over a five year period will be given a place on the Carlisle Alumni Honor Roll. The Honor Roll members are listed in the banquet program and the annual newsletter, and the list can be downloaded here. Memorial gifts are listed in the annual newsletter as well, during the year they are received. All donations and memorial gifts should be sent to the Alumni Association, P.O. Box 3, Carlisle,IA 50047.
Operating Funds/Newsletter:
Operating funds will be requested as donations in support of the Association and operating budget. Upon receipt of a donation to CCA, members will receive a print newsletter. All alumni in their 50th year since graduation and beyond will be placed on a permanent mailing list. Your class representative receives the newsletter every year and may forward it on to classmates. All class members celebrating their 25th year reunion will also receive a print newsletter for that year. All alumni may download the newsletter from the Carlisle Alumni Website or from the Carlisle High School Alumni Facebook page, or may request it via Twitter, using hashtag #CarlisleIAAlum.
Contact Us:
All donations, questions, comments and concerns may be sent by mail to Alumni Association, P.O. Box 3, Carlisle,IA 50047 or emailed to [email protected]