Talented & Gifted Program
The mission of the Carlisle Talented and Gifted (TAG) Program is to extend and enrich learning for gifted learners.
Belief Statements
- It is the responsibility of TAG teachers, classroom teachers, counselors, parents, students and administration to work collaboratively to ensure the needs of gifted learners are met.
- TAG services and support are best provided through a tiered framework in order to meet the unique cognitive and affective needs of gifted learners.
- Gifted learners require qualitatively differentiated curriculum and instruction that includes, but is not limited to, increased rigor, appropriate pacing and/or acceleration.
- Consideration must be given to the learning environment in order to best meet the unique needs of the gifted learner, e.g., cluster grouping, small group, independent placement, etc.
- A comprehensive identification system is integral to determining a gifted learner’s programming.
District TAG Handbook - Coming Soon
Staffing Announcement
We are excited to welcome Mrs. Sarah Fick and Mrs. Jenny Sinclair to our TAG staff. Mrs. Fick and Mrs. Sinclair will join Mrs. Robinson in supporting TAG students beginning in the 23-24 school year.
Mrs. Fick will serve students in the elementary grades and Mrs. Sinclair will serve secondary students. Mrs. Robinson will continue to serve students in the middle grades.