6th Grade Orientation

Here is the information about this year's event:


WHEN:               Wednesday Aug. 21st, 2024 

TIME:                 1:00 – 3:15 pm

WHERE:             Carlisle Middle School starting in the Gym (parents may drop off students at the Main entrance)



  • 2.0 hour Orientation
  • CMS learner expectations
  • Distribute and walk-through upcoming school year schedules
  • Understand lunch procedures
  • Q&A sessions with all of teachers


Our 6th grade Orientation provides 1:1 student time with their instructors as well as establishing routines and structures



Q1:  Where do I need to drop my child off for Orientation?

A1: Students may be dropped off at the main entrance.


Q2:  What does my child need to bring to Orientation?

A2:  Nothing except themselves… they will be given their 2024-25 schedule in their 1st block class


Q3:  May I attend with my child?

A3:  Only students will be allowed to attend 6th Grade Orientation